Learn more about the winners of the 89th annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards!




World Hotel

Publisher: Copper Canyon Press

Reetika Vazirani

Reetika Vazirani

  • Born: 1962
  • Died: 2003

Reetika Vazirani is the author of White Elephants (Beacon, 1996) selected by Marilyn Hacker for a Barnard New Women Poets Prize.

She was educated at Wellesley College and the University of Virginia where she was a Henry Hoyns teaching fellow. She has also taught in the graduate workshop at the University of Oregon, and for three years she was the Margaret Banister Writer-in-Residence at Sweet Briar College where she taught advanced and introductory poetry workshops and a seminar on the novel.

Her awards include a 1999 Pushcart Prize, a 1998 Poets & Writers Exchange Program’s Discovery award, a “Discovery”/The Nation award, fellowships from the Watson Foundation, the Sewanee Writers Conference, the Bread Loaf Writers Conference.

Her work is included in Best American Poetry 2000, the Bread Loaf Anthology of New American Writers, The Beacon Best, American Poetry: the Next Generation. More than one hundred poems have appeared in journals such as Agni, Callaloo, Kenyon Review, Massachusetts Review, Ploughshares, Partisan Review, TriQuarterly, and are forthcoming in the Paris Review. She edited the fall 2000 poetry section of Shenandoah and is a Contributing and Advisory Editor for Callaloo. Recent work is featured on the web at www.poets.org/rvaz